Clearly is prepared to work with a range of objects classified somehow, we could talk about books, business cards, bar codes or text, but since its introduction Google has been working to include facial recognition, and not done actually it needs to improve functionality. This concept may be a violation of privacy and privacy of any person entering the platform of human rights, imagine the ease of recognizing persons who have, if the service works as it boasts.
Google Goggles that is why not include facial Google recognition has stated it has no interest in reaching these levels, therefore this functionality will be parked until the implications for privacy of individuals are clearly defined. This debate has arisen following an interview on CNBC Googe's CEO, Eric Schmidt, the matter of company policy, Eric argued something like "if you want to teach something not not put it in a public place". After the interview was harshly criticized by a watchdog of the Internet Privacy in the U.S.
Other consequences are found in the statements of a Mozilla executive said Eric Schmidt's attitude was outrageous and that would give every facility for Firefox users can select to Bing in its search box.
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