This is Latest Technology Based GlacialTech 5W LED BR20 which can be used in any type of lamp. The glacialTech week put a new bulb LED 5 W power and a range of 20,000 hours. This is latest weekend story on technological acesserious, it's model also offers the function to attenuate the light, as is indicated to replace traditional halogen bulbs. Earn up to them in consumption and heat emission. In fact, compared to halogen bulbs. GlacialTech LED model is able to consume 88% less.
The glacialTech technology based latest model is ahow many offshore feature and functionality that can be also a solution in work on AC power, and no need adapter. As for the price, one of the new GlacialTech LED BR20 us cost around 21 euros, slightly more than twice a halogen lamp. With those prices still hard to decide to take the plunge, but eventually thank our pocket and the environment.
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