
Monday, March 9, 2009

Nothing Else Then New Black Berry Niagara 9630

Very lately black berry has introduced the very new Black Berry Niagara 9630. There is a lot of information that has been leaked out about this device, just the fact that this handset depicts or to be specific shows what is going to happen in the near future. The design of this handset is like the regular handsets Bold and Curve line up give a very handsome definition to its style as well as to its design. It is an incredible addition to the CDMA line of cell phones.

The body of the new Black Berry Niagara 9630 is very curvy .the keyboard appears to be curvier than any of the available GSM sets. The sloping edge of the handset at the bottom appears to be slightly shorter in the Black Berry Niagara 9630. Since there is nothing at all that can support these facts but if believing in the rumors is preferred than the Black Berry Niagara 9630 has the three megapixel camera and GSM as well as a display size of 480×360. the look of this Black Berry Niagara 9630 is much like the Black Berry Curve 8900. Via


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