
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How to Make Money on Twitter

Okay, so there are several ways to make money on twitter. Some are looked down upon by others, so do your research. DO NOT JUST RUSH IN AND PUT YOUR SALES LINKS EVERYWHERE. Now if you are an existing business with a physical product, it would be easy for you to sell your products via a link to your website. To be successful at this, you need a large following (see below for how to build your list of followers) and for these followers to all have an interest in your niche, which I have covered in previous articles.
Once you are seen as an expert in your field (and trust me, perception is everything, as long as you can provide more information to your “clients” then they can provide to you, then you are considered an expert) then people will already have built trust in you and your business, so sales will not be difficult at all. So, provide your website link where people in your niche will be able to see it.
The key to basic marketing is to find a problem and offer a solution. Within every niche they are problems, this is where sales generate from. Everyone needs something, or needs to know something and this is where you come into it. Within your niche, target the problem and you will have a whole heap of followers that are eager to come to you. For example: Niche: Golf Problem: Improving your score Solution: E book, How to improve your back swing in 7 days.
All you need to do to be successful is constantly seek what it is that people want to know and provide the solution to them. Give them as much information for free as possible but always support your claims that certain products will be a huge advantage to them. Believe in your products. Sell good, honest, reliable products and don’t falsify what you are offering.
If you tweet about this particular product improving your back swing, other people will be interested in what you have to say as well. You then have people on the pre sell that will instantly become prospective buyers.
An opt in list is a brilliant way to make sales with twitter. Once people opt in to your newsletter, email tips etc you have then began to build a list that will pay you time and time again.
These methods will work whether you own your own business or are an affiliate and will also work for both physical and digital sales. Tweak your methods constantly. Some niche’s will respond better to an opt in list as it will not feel like direct sales and others will respond better with direct affiliate links. Just be sure to me aware of how you post links. Only ever post them where appropriate otherwise it will be considered spamming and you will lose credibility.
Simply set up a squeeze page with a free e-book (or whatever you’d like) to give away to entice people to join your list.
Some people tweet links to their blogs or websites. This can be a good way to make money, depending on who the people in your niche are. Obviously, you’ll need to match the market to the product you are trying to promote. Once you do that, and add value for the people who follow you, it’ll be easier than ever for you to make sales!
Of course, it’s important to realize that the more traffic you have, the more visitors and sales you are likely to get. That is why, in addition to networking and marketing, it’s important to focus on getting as many followers as possible.
If you need to build your followers dramatically in order to use the above methods, there are two options available. Either build your followers over several months manually in the methods I described in previous articles, or buy twitter related products that show you step by step how to explode the into the twitter market almost instantly. There are many products available that will help (and some that won’t) and would be considered a brilliant investment if you choose the right one. Just do your research before making any purchases and enjoy all your new found income.